About The Hadron Gateway

I'll admit I'm terrible at writing blurbs and these ones are particularly difficult because I can’t say anything about one without ruining another. They don’t sound all that great when you can’t say a thing about them. So try to muddle through and use your imagination.

The Hadron Gateway is a visual novel. For anyone who hasn't played a visual novel it’s technically a game that you can download. The story is told through the dialogue box at the bottom of the screen while the rest of the screen is dominated by the illustration. You can flick through at your own pace and there are options for soundtrack and saving your place etc. So nothing too complicated. Just as a quick example:

In The Hadron Gateway, each story is mostly linear and not very interactive. There is only 1 or 2 moments per path where you can choose what happens next, so in that respect it's very much like a book. Unlike many visual novels there are only a few different endings. As far as sound goes there won't be any voice actors, but there will be a soundtrack.

The game is split into three separate stories, each about a different character. Each story intertwines and fills the gaps left in the others.

Story Setting

Each story takes place in the future, hundreds of years from now. The world is a significantly different place from the one we know, due to the momentous creation of the Hadron Gateway - An impossible Gateway made during an experiment with a small-scale collider. The Gateway allows travel to parallel worlds all similar to our own and the natural result is two hundred years of war and regression.
From the world it was accidently created in (our own), a person can travel to any other world through the Gate, however all other worlds can only travel through to our own. Not to others. They must pass through our world to get to another. It earns our world the apt title The Crossroad.

Path 1 - Laythan Joel

Laythan for Hadron Gateway

Laythan (codename L.Joe) is a hardy 21 year old who has a strange and unique quirk of being able to sense the Gate at all given times. He can feel it, its distance from him and its position in relation to himself, and not only that - Once inside it he has a certain amount of control over it. He can ignore the Crossroad rule and travel from any world to any world making it impossible foranyone to track his movements - perfect for a criminal.

With a strong sense of justice, Laythan creates a rebel organisation called Project L.Joe, whose sole objective is to travel into different worlds and free oppressed citizens from dictatorships and military rule. However his life of proud justice, rebellion and general mischief comes to a crashing halt, and this is where the story begins. 

With all the memories of his life before age 10 missing, and only the vague fear of needing to stay hidden, L.Joe finds himself in a perilous predicament when his elusive past comes back to haunt him. Why are dangerous dictators sending assassins after him? Is it something from his forgotten past or has someone got a grudge on the Project?
His friend’s lives depend on him and the secret to the future of all worlds lays hidden in his mind, blocked by some kind of trauma. Laythan’s life is plunged into chaos and disaster as the boundaries between right and wrong disappear and time suddenly becomes short. 

With immeasurably powerful enemies rearing up on all sides, politicians weaving complex webs, and nothing but a ragged group of friends to help him, Laythan must face his past, and more importantly, choose his future.

Path 2 - Rheeven Lo

Rheeven for Hadron Gateway

Rheeven Lo, an exceptionally bright 21 year old works for an extraordinary man named Dr Faolon Kahl, who heads the Crossroad. Despite his age Rheeven has proven himself talented enough to be Kahl's shadow and embarks on the complex and dangerous task of pushing the doctor's world-altering plans into fruition. At the doctor's orders he must find a way to plunge the two most powerful empires in existance into war without thier true plans being discovered, and, its to be done in a notorious kingdom that most sane people would avoid at any cost - The Kingdom of Codes.
In this world a disease has claimed most of the population under a hive mind (shared thinking), and those that are left live around the Gate, protected by the city walls. The diseased - otherwise known as Code-Spawn - are a powerful weapon to use in war. Infamously difficult to kill and able to pass their disease on easily and effectively, they are not to be trifled with.
Rheeven, accompanied by his friend and bodyguard Nile, soon finds that things are not as they seem in the Kingdom of Codes and lives are at risk. Inspired by an enemy, Rheeven embarks on a quest to save the forgotten and abandoned people of the Kingdom and may find that the survival of all worlds is at stake unless he acts quickly. Is Dr Faolon Kahl's cause really the same as his own or does his path lead elsewhere? Can he survive long enough to save humanity? And in the ensuing mess, is there truly a right and wrong? Or is he simply fighting a grey cause in the midst of grey causes?

Path 3 - Narskovan D'rosk

D'rosk for Hadron Gateway

D'rosk is a complex and solitary man of 34 years and a dictator by title, but he's far from what he seems. As the sixth in command of one of the most powerful empires in human history, and head of State in his home world, he must follow rules and keep up appearances or else find himself in front of a firing squad. This isn’t a difficult task for your average dictator with endless intelligence and power - unless he’s playing his own little games of course...
D'rosk has a vision, and must do whatever it takes to fulfil it, even if that means betraying the world he was born into and more. With the empire descending into war, his task is difficult enough, but to top matters off a dissenting rebel is raising a war against him in his home world, and if he doesn’t control the situation, all of his plans will fall to ruin. However, things are made even more complicated when the empire sends him on a witch hunt spanning several worlds to execute a murder he doesn’t fully believe in.

D'rosk must try to keep a lid on all situations while battling with the ethics of his own plans. He may be brilliant, but is he skilled enough for this?

So having wrote all this out I've found it’s almost impossible to begin summing up all the action and ideas. And it doesn’t help that I can’t say most of the things I wanted to say without spoiling the other stories. But never mind, I know some of you are looking forward to it regardless and that’s what matters!


  1. I really like the sound of these stories and like the fact that each story effects the other. They all seem equally as interesting and complex as each other which is good as I imagine it's quite difficult to keep all three on par. The characters look great and well suited to their role. I like the colours you've used on Laythans clothes. Will we get to see what D'rosk looks like? And I'd quite like to see what Rheeven's body gaurd looks like as he sounds like he's going to be a fairly central character.
    I've never read this kind of novel before, is it kind of like a comic?

    1. Thank you! It is pretty difficult trying to get all their timelines to match up properly but I'm getting there with it. I've not designed D'rosk yet because I haven’t got a clear picture of him in my mind. I think he's going to be one of the most difficult to do justice to.
      As for Rheeven's bodyguard - she's female. I wanted to have strong women in this story instead of the annoying cliché of damsel and hero. Rheeven isn't good at fighting but Nile is, and she's going to be getting him out of a lot of scrapes.
      And it's not really like a comic because it’s not every single action split into panels, but full page illustrations of the main parts. Here’s an example of a what a visual novel can look like ( http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-H50nZ3nFLzI/T3LqS6y-38I/AAAAAAAACic/sGEeG9MgD3o/s1600/Cradle+Song+Visual+Novel,+Game+for+Linux.jpg ) its called Cradle Song I think. Mine won’t be in anime style and I'd like to be a bit artier with dialogue box but it’s the same general idea.
